Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Job

I have broken a 92 year old woman's ribs. It's very commen to break a patients ribs while performing basic life support. Unfortunatly old women's bones tend to break more easily. I'll never forget the cracking sound I not only heard but felt as I pumped on her fragile chest attempting to revive her heart. Needless to say our efforts were fruitless, she passed away, like many old, sick patients do. The difference is she ended her life with a me on top of her breaking her bones, tubes shoved down her throat, shock pads stuck to her chest, and a mob of nurses and doctors shouting and pushing drugs into her dry veins. It sounds horrifying, and it is, but it's one of the standards of my job. I am paid to save lives. It's not always a good feeling to revive a human life when I know that the quality of that life is poor, but there is a set of rules, laws and regulations that requires me to attempt all means possible to save a life. Unless of course that person has made their end of life wishes known to their family, lawyer, and doctors. That's where code status comes in to play. DNR-do not resusitate, or Full Code-perform everything that can be done. Sounds clear cut, but unfortunatly, like all laws their are loophools. I guess that's what my research will be based on, all the unclear, grey area, ethical issues I deal with at work.


Mr. E said...
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Mr. E said...


...That is horrific, I can't really say a whole lot about that topic. It takes a very strong person to deal with situations such as that on a daily basis. Personally, I don't think I could do it, LOL maybe that’s why I'm going into advertising.

What is your title at your job? Is it just "nurse" or are there letters attached to your name like M.D.?

Look forward to seeing where this blog goes, as long as I'm not dramatized from any of it though!


Unknown said...

I've done that. Well, not to an old woman. A 30-something man who'd tried to commit suicide by drug overdose.

I was the one working on him in the ER when the doctors said he was gone.

It stays with you.

Lula said...

Like cody said WOW... That is the part of being a nurse that i am the most worried about. I tend to be a person that can get close and feel bad about a lot but i know stuff like that will happen everyday. The blog was very well written and just awesome to get to experience saving peoples lives and sometime the bad part not. I can't wait to read more of your blogs being in the same field and all.