Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Peer Review, Reviewed

February 8th, Thursday was one of our classes first peer review sessions. My group consisted of Danielle, Lindsay, Cody, and myself. I read Cody's paper first. He had written about Ben Franklin. I let him know that though he had very good information and facts, and a great introduction he needed to organize the paper Danielle's paper was about a man that had made it big in tobacco, yet sold out tobacco companies by exposing the health hazards of tobacco. Other then a few minor punctuation mistakes, the paper was very well written, well organized, informative and very close to being a final draft. Lindsay's paper about founding figures of Chinese acupuncture was very factual and interesting. I let her know to not only organize her ideas but to also give laymen definations of some of the terms she used. I pointed out a few minor spelling and punctuation errors that she warned us about before reading it. Lastly, the group reviewed my paper. I let them know ahead time that it was definatly a work in progress, and that I hadn't fully expanded on all my ideas. Cody asked me to explain my topic a bit more in detail, so I was sure to add that in my final paper. After reading my paper the some of the responses I got were to make the paper longer and to introduce Dr. Saunders full name in the beginning of the paper. These comments were taken into consideration when I wrote the final draft for this particular assignment. Overall peer review went well, and it was not only helpful to get my classmates opinion of my paper, but also to see how they wrote their papers.

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