Saturday, March 3, 2007

Another Bloggers Insight

After many failed attempts at finding a blog that was even relatively close to my subject, I came across a blog posted by a gentlemen named, Derek Humphry. Mr. Humphry is the founder of ERGO- Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization. He is a journalist that has published two bestselling books; one in the UK, and one in the US. "Final Exit" (a #1 selling book in the US) explains methods, approaches, and the means of voluntary euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and self-deliverance (rational suicide).

The particular entry I found interesting was dated January 19, 2006. Humphry defines different terms regarding euthanasia. He defines the following terms:
assisted suicide as helping a person to end his or her life by request to end suffering. Physician-assisted suicide is a medical doctor helping a patient to die by use of prescribing a lethal overdose of a drug. He describes the term euthanasia as a broad, generic term meaning "help with a good death." He defines a few other interesting terms.

Mr. Humphry's blog was interesting, yet incredibly biased. Which isn't surprising considering he wrote multiple books supporting euthanasia. I'm not so sure I'd reference his blog in my final paper, although one of his books may be interesting to check out. The particular blog that I referenced he lists as archival, from that blog is a link to his newly updated blog, which appears very insightful...

Humphry, Derek. Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Right-to-Die, Final Exit, Hemlock Society
Founder Weblog. 25 February 2006. 1 March 2007.

Original picture obtained at:

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