Thursday, February 8, 2007


Fortunatly I have picked a research topic that I am not only familar with, but also contains a great deal of information. I have yet to run into any snags in finding information about end of life ethics. Though I deal with with this topic on a day to day basis, like anything in this world, I don't know EVERYTHING about the subject, so I am definatly learning quite a bit along the way. The only major problem I'm dealing with at the moment is deciding how to narrow my reasearch down and focus on just a few key points. For example, do I want to focus on the legal aspects of death such as advanced directives, living wills, and all the grey areas inbetween, or should I focus more on topics such as euthanasia and hospice care? I realize I can write about all these subjects, and I'll touch on all of them a bit, but it may end up being a 14 page paper rather than the 8 we are assigned.

Another issue I am having is attempting to remain objective. Since I have been in situations through my work dealing with end of life topics I do tend to be a bit biased. Though my thoughts and feelings on the subject are entirely circumstantial. I've seen 16 year old comatose kids on ventilators recover and walk out of the hospital. (which is one of the most gratifying experiences in my life, just one of the many reasons being a nurse is great) I've also seen 16 year old kids with gun shot wounds remain paralyzed and comatose with machines running their lifeless bodies, because a parent will never give up hope. Nursing is a double edged sword. I want to save lives, but in some cases I want nothing more then for that person to be allowed to rest in true peace, not on machines.

I intend to continue my research in all subjects dealing with end of life ethics, and I'm sure when I sit down to write the final paper it will all come together.


aegri_somnia said...

Great topic on Comatose vs. Pulling the plug. Very controversal, at least it was two years ago? This is a great summary of past, present, and future research that will be conducted. I might even want a copy of your final paper. haha.

Shelly said...

Your paper seems like it will be very interesting. Last year I was assigned a vice paper. I choose to do it on allowing euthanisia on people. After I did the research and found that this acctually happens in a few countries, I was shocked, but they really looked at it as a good thing. Many people were happy that they could get their suffering over with. I think with your writing skills and experience in the feild your paper will be amazing. I will be interested in continuing reading your work to see where you go with this.