Thursday, March 8, 2007

Miracle in Medicine

As I was routinely signing into my Yahoo account, a very interesting (but short) news story caught my eye on Yahoo's homepage.

Christy Lilly spent the last seven years of her life in a persistent vegetative state after suffering from a heart attack and stroke. Her mother had been taking care of Ms. Lilly at her home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Miraculously, Ms. Lilly awoke from her vegetative state for three days this week. She spoke to the local television station and was able to see her twelve year old daughter before slipping back into a vegetative state. Her neurologist is baffled and has no explanation for Ms. Lilly's brief awareness. It was reported that Ms. Lilly had awakened four other times for shorter moments in the past.

While I'm definitely going to research this particular topic a bit more, I thought it would bring an interesting twist to my previous blogs.


"Woman in Vegetative State Awakes, Slips." Yahoo! News. 7 Mar. 2007. 8 Mar 2007.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Wow. I am glad you posted this blog. It is amazing and shows that people could be awoken at anytime. It makes me wonder if she had looked in the mirror. I would want to, but it would be scary. Going to bed and waking up seeing yourself seven years older is such an outrageous thought. This makes me not want to ever have to pull the plug on anyone, just by hearing this one case.