Monday, April 23, 2007

Today the weather man predicted rain. Of all the days to rain, it had to be today. It just wasn't fair. Today the principal of the high school was to trek across the football field to the altar to accept the blue stationery he had won. It's raining and windy and there is not a right handed person in sight. I'm not sure who's responsible for altering today's plans. Or whether or not it was the rain that affected today's ceremony. Two people were very upset about the rain so they decided to write a letter but it had little effect. Their writing skills are poor and they're citing references all wrong, except for one. The letter was just too much for your average paper carrier to hold. The mail carrier had a flat affect and began to lose his temper. He loosened his tie and screamed, "I challange you to a race around the track!" The mail man's anger effected the crowd negativily. The angry mob shouted back , "you're going to have to pay a fare for standing stationary for so long!" The crowd lost its site for the initiation rites ceremony. They didn't stick with their moral principles, so whose at fault? I don't know.

1 comment:

Lula said...

Your story is cute. it's better then mine and im pretty sure you used your words right and i don't think some of mine like the effect and affect were right. all in all its cute and creative.